Gearlink Racing is a diverse group of age group and categorized racers with a significant non-racing membership as well as an active tri-athlete membership. Although the primary emphasis of the team is on racing, the team recognizes that through its diversity comes its strength, and that this diversity allows the team to occupy a unique position as a leader in the local cycling community. Racers, non-racers, males, females, juniors, and seniors, are all welcome at Gearlink Racing.
Prospective members must fill out a Membership Application which is subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Memberships are valid for the calendar year, and expire on December 31st of the year during which a member’s application is approved by the Board.
Gearlink Racing is member-owned. This means that each year every team member will receive a Certificate of Membership, evidencing their ownership interest in Gearlink Racing. A Certificate of Membership entitles each team member to vote at the annual team meeting at which time a Board of Directors consisting of five team members is elected. Directors serve for one year. A Certificate of Membership also entitles team members to vote on such other matters as may be brought before the membership by the Board of Directors from time to time, and to vote on all other matters specified in the team by-laws. The only exception to the one-member one-vote rule applies to Mirek Magdziak who holds membership certificates equal to 25% (twenty-five per cent) of the total team membership in any year.
All revenues generated by Gearlink Racing are 100% for the exclusive benefit of the Team and its members. We encourage and welcome your suggestions and support!